
Worldcoo Crowdfunding 2014 FOUNDERS: Sergi Figueres | Aureli Bou Technology platform that enables customer donations after purchase by putting both online and offline retailers in touch with institutions that manage social projects. worldcoo.com ← Soltech EnergyEnley →


SUD Renewable Energies 2007 FOUNDERS: Alfred Puig | Manel Romeo Business group providing comprehensive services in the engineering, construction and renewable energy fields. www.sud.es ← NetRivalsTattoox →


NetRivals Pricing SaaS 2019 FOUNDERS: Ivan Ramírez | Salva Fàbregas Pricing software with a powerful scraping engine that provides competitors’ pricing information and enables the user to adjust their own. netrivals.com ← QuòpiamSud →

The Colvin Co

The Colvin Co Ecommerce 2018 FOUNDERS: Andrés Cester | Sergi Bastardas | Marc Olmedillo Online flower shop fitted with its own technological solutions that eliminates much of the large intermediation in the sector. thecolvinco.com ← Pangea Travel StoreScience Bits →


Quòpiam TIC server 2013 FOUNDERS: Oscar Barrabés | Joan Paré Empresa proveïdora de serveis i solucions en l’àmbit de les Tecnologies de la Informació. ← Talent ClueQuòpiam →
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